INTENTIONS - Spoken Word - Rae Burton, Music - David Arellano

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Have you ever gone down the wrong street or in the wrong direction, and didn't realize it at first. You just kept driving along, thinking of nothing.Dreamin' along. In the Los Angeles teeming, stretched out, unfamiliar freeway driving, it is easy to get turned around. Not so much ....lost, as just maybe going in the wrong direction.

Then something in your subconcious says, “Pay attention. Somethings wrong, something doesnt feel right. You begin to look around, looking for familiar landmarks, familiar territory. Something that will give you a hint that you know where you are, that you are on the right track, the right freeway.
Because on a freeway, you can't suddenly make a U turn, or go around the block and head in the opposite direction. You may be stuck.

You take a deep breath, look for familiar freeway signs, anything. Anything that will tell you where you are and where to go next. Nothing. How did this happen, how did I get so lost, and what do I do now.What do I DO?

In Los Angeles as in almost any large, unfamiliar city, you don't want to get off the freeway, even for a block to get the next on ramp going in the opposite direction, if you don't know exactly where you are. That decision could be deadly.

This is what I faced when I decided I was too sick to continue down the road I was on. Somewhere I had made the wrong decision, the misdirected turn.I felt I had been doing what was best for everyone concerned, and had been doing what God wanted me to do.So why the quandry? If God was calling me home, well OK, so be it. But I really didn't feel that was it, that that was the answer.What do I do, God, where do I go? I kept hearing, “Trust Me.” OK, God, its out of my hands. I am in your hands now. I turned it over and I let it go.
And ended up almost immediately in the hospital, in the capable hands of doctors and nurses, saving my life.I felt I was exactly where I needed to be at that time in my life. Why, I really didn't know at the time.Why wasn't important. But I knew I was safe in Gods Loving embrace. I knew I was healing.And I knew I would live. I would live another day, another month, another year, another lifetime.
I have a new direction and goals now.
So with God as my navigator directing my path, I continue to heal and grow in His Love.
Be aware of your direction, and think about your goals.

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