INTENTIONS - Spoken Word - Rae Burton, Music - David Arellano

Thursday, February 5, 2009


At times through the years I have felt it was in my best interest to become more real with myself, and find out why I was so unhappy in life and love.Find out who I really was.And who I really wasn't. I just knew my life was really chaotic and miserable.
I read books, books, and more books. I attended classes in healthy minds. And wondered why nothing changed in my life.
Then someone said to me, “You have to live the changes, not just read about them.”
Live the changes. OK, but what did that mean?
So off I went to the thrapists couch.The therapist said, 'What do you want to work on?'
'Well, my unhappiness.”
'Where do you think that unhappiness comes from?”
'Well, I guess my mother didn't love me.”
“So we'll work on your feelings for and about your mother.
'Oh. Sure. OK.
But I didn't do any of the therapists suggestions.So I didn't begin to live the changes.
A few weeks later, the therapist said, “Now that you haven't done any of the Mother exercises I told you to do, we'll work on your feelings about yourself.”
Oh. OK. Sure.
She said to go home and look in the mirror, 'straight into your own eyes, and say, 'I love you, I love you Rae Burton. And repeat this 10 times.”
Oh. Sure Ok. Sure.
I went home and looked in the mirror, and into my own eyes. And...........silence. And then I laughed. More like an embarrassed giggle.
I couldn't say to myself, 'I love you.'I couldn't even look in my own eyes in that mirror image for more than a quick instant.
Of course, I never went back to the therapist. And of course, I stayed unhappy and chaotic. And I read more books and went to more classes, and stayed the same.
Until I met David, and decided I had a good reason to begin the changes I needed to make. To begin to be happy and to be able to say, without looking away or laughing, to my mirror image and to myself, I love you. I love you Rae Burton.
Then I could say, with an open heart, I love you, David Arellano.

And I love you Ollie Rae Burton

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